“I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me” John 10:14

Do you know God on an intimate basis? Do you know God other than what He can do for you? You see many of us say we know God but all we really know are His characteristics. We know about His Grace and Mercy. We know about His blessings and His compassion. However, knowing someones characteristics and knowing them are truly two different things. In a time where we call others friends without really getting to know them I believe it has come all to easy to establish what we like to believe are relationships that we can call friendships. “I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me.” God knows us inside and out but many of the followers of Christ have a luke warm relationship with our Father and only know of Christ and don’t truly know Him. I know my wife of 31 years because I put the time in and we spend countless hours together. We laugh, joke, talk, morn, cry, spend time talking and listening to one another. I do the same with Christ. Every morning I wake up at 4:30 to work out, worship, pray, and spend time with my heavenly Father. I make sure throughout the day I am taking time to listen to Him and what His plans are for me.

“I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me.” The only way a shepherd can be effective is if His sheep recognize His voice and listen to His commandments. The shepherd is prepared to lay His life down for His sheep but His sheep has to respond to His instructions so He can keep them safe. Do you listen for the voice of God to lead and guide you through life and the difficulties that come with living in this world? Do you take time out to know God other than knowing His characteristics? How mush time do you invest in your relationship with the Father? I can tell you this, if you truly want to experience God in all of His fullness learn to have Him as your shepherd, listen to His voice and follow His instructions.

Tune in to “Accentuate The Positive”this Thursday 8-10 pm with special guest A.J. Stone founder and owner of Spiritual Connect Radio. In the second half of our show we will be sharing the questions you must ask before entering a serious relationship with Dave McClain and Daphne Brooks. (215) 782-8464

“Keep Pushing The Stone!”
Christopher A. Pender, Sr. MHS
Accentuate The Positive
Thursday 8-10 pm