“When I heard these things, I sat down and wept. For some days I mourned and fasted and prayed before the God of heaven.” Nehemiah 1:4

Here we read where Nehemiah has inquired about the state of his home and city where he grew up. This is the place where he formed life long relationships and where his first sense of family was shaped. This is the
place where Nehemiah’s character, sense of manhood, and relationship with God has been formed. Nehemiah’s connection with his past has not been broken because he now lives in a palace with perks and benefits even though he is the Kings Cup Bearer. Notice how Nehemiah still cares deeply for those he has left behind. I can relate to Nehemiah as I share those same feelings as I think about where my first sense of family was formed, where my first understanding of friendship, character and integrity was formed.

My early understanding of who Christ is and what He means to me began in my parents home right there in North Philadelphia. This is why I am saddened at the state of our inner cities throughout the country. The social
injustice, the perpetual cycle of poverty, the lack of value for life and the lack of Christian influence.

I have been exposed to some things as of late that has really saddened my heart and awakened something inside of me. The Social Pathologies that plague our youth and the next generation is sucking the hope and life out
of them. While we gather on Sunday to hear a word that will edify us we do nothing with it the rest of the week. We sit still while our young people are being unfairly prosecuted and duped with false promises by those sworn to protect and serve. We watch from a distance as our schools struggle to open annually for lack of funding all the while our politicians spend billions of dollars to get elected so the cycle can continue. Some of us get upset when we hear “Black Life Matters” but they will sell out for save the whales or save some endangered species. I agree that all life matters however I do understand that I live in a country where race still matters very much. Like Nehemiah my heartaches for the inner-city and those who are trapped in its vicious cycle of decay, lost identity, a poverty mentality and a sense of hopelessness that passes from one generation to another. Like Nehemiah I am working to rebuild our most precious resource our youth
and the next generation.

What is your burden? Does anything other than self stir your soul and move your spirit? What are you doing with the word you receive weekly? Are you moving and working in your purpose?

Tonight on Accentuate The Positive Social Justice, what is our role as followers of Christ? I need to hear from you tonight. Tune in, call in and join in the conversation. If you are not a part of the solution you are contributing to the problem. (215) 782-8464. Spiritual Connect Radio.

“Keep Pushing The Stone”
Christopher A. Pender, Sr. MHS
Accentuate The Positive
Thursdays 8-10 pm.