“Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.” Luke 2:11

“You thought I was worth saving, you came and changed my life, You thought I was worth keeping so you cleaned me up inside, You thought I was to die for so you sacrificed your life , so I could be free, so I could be whole, so I could tell everyone I know.” (Anthony Brown: Worthy)

For me Christmas is the greatest day of celebration. As a child I thought it was about the toys, the food, family and the baked goods my Grandmother and mother would make. I can close my eyes and see it like it was just yesterday that I was in our three story row house in North Philly. As an adult I still appreciate all of those things but now I understand that the greatest gift of Christmas is the gift of Jesus. Jesus was born, lived and died so I could be saved and set free. Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice for me so I could live a more abundant life and live eternally. He loves me so very much that before I was born He mapped out a path of success and blessings for me to follow if I submit to His ways. He thought I was worth saving despite the sins He knew I would commit. He came and changed my life from one who was lost and without hope to one who is now a Kings kid filled with the promises of God. He thought I was worth keeping so He cleaned me up inside so I could be a new creation in Him. He thought I was to die for so He sacrificed His life so I could be free from sin. Man, He met we where I was to lead me to where I am to prepare me for where He has the very best for me.

As I celebrate Christmas I will be reflecting on just how good God truly is. I have been blessed with great children and a wife of 32 years. I have been blessed to be able to serve Him despite my fallacies and imperfections. I have been blessed with some life long friends who I know I can call on if ever I am in need. God has allowed me to have compassion and the abilities to assist those who are in need. I have known God as a healer and restorer. I have known God as a comforter and as a port in the midst of some storms. I am sure if you look long enough through the last year you will see where God has been what you have needed when you needed it most. God is and always will be that gift that keeps on giving. “Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.”

“Keep Pushing The Stone!

Christopher A. Pender, Sr. MHS

Accentuate The Positive