
The Daniel moment!

"But Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine, and he asked the chief official for permission not to defile himself this way." Daniel 1:8 How have you handled your Daniel moment? That moment where you have to choose between what the world or whatever influences you and what you know God desires you to do. Party lines, family beliefs, traditions, or church policies can create situations and circumstances where we have to choose between what may be expected and what God desires from His children. Daniel and his friends had to choose between what everyone else had conceded to do, what his current culture expected him to do and what God had established for him to do. Many of us succumb to the pressures of such choices with far less consequences. Fear from being different, fear of what others think and fear of taking a stance that may seem unpopular can and quite often causes followers of Christ to sway off course. I believe we are in such a time as to where the church can rise up and be the light God has called us to be. In a time where many individuals are [...]

Grace & Mercy!

"It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness." Lamentations 3:22-23 As young man growing up I was very active in sports. I enjoyed playing baseball, basketball, football and even hockey. AS I grew older I learned to play angry and with an attitude which gave me an edge. The problem was by the time I reached college loosing became painful and it was difficult to move beyond each lost. I would carry that loss around pretty much until we played again. I lost in high school more than any other time in my life and I was determined not to have history repeat itself. My high school experience was dictating my college experience and setting a pattern that for many years effected me. Many of us carry around hurts, pains, unfair experiences and negative things that have left us scared. Just as those high school losses impacted the next few years of my life those hurts, pains, unfair and negative experiences will impact your life if you never let go and let God. Just as we enjoy God's grace and mercy we must extend [...]

When you meets you!

"And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit." 2 Corinthians 3:18 Have you ever taken the time to see where you are in Christ? Have you ever just sat back and totally been honest with self about your position in Christ? Just as 2 Corinthians say's have you ever went before God unveiled without the deep and pious words, without the long prayers saturated with words designed to tickle God's ears? Have you gone before God totally naked and transparent? It's a tough place and it's a place where what you think you are and who you truly are at that time meet and the introduction is intense. It's funny how we think we are this and that and capable of dealing with this and that yet when it hits the fan more times than not a different you comes out. If this fits you believe me when I say you are not and will not be alone. I know we are all taught to wear a mask that say's all is well and life is good. Most of [...]

Faith in God not Man!

"And straightway the father of the child cried out and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help Thou mine unbelief!” Mark 9:24 I find myself hearing a lot of individuals complain about church, the Pastors, and some the choirs. I understand that church is not perfect and some Pastors are not leading in a way that properly represents the church. I get it that people in the body do not always behave in a way befitting the title Christian. I can see where some folk may have their faith shaken because of things that occur in some buildings. However, this is where you need to ask God to help your lack of faith. This is where you need to learn to rely on God and ask Him to open your eyes, your heart and your ears to have your faith in Him and not in man strengthend. As a dad, husband, father and friend I have not been and will never be perfect. None the less my imperfections are my own and not every fathers. All fathers cannot be judged by my mistakes and shortcomings just as all churches, followers of Christ and individuals who claim to know Christ should [...]

None Like Him!

“Lord, the God of Israel, there is no God like you in heaven or on earth—you who keep your covenant of love with your servants who continue wholeheartedly in your way." 2 Chronicles 6:14 Have you reached the place where you have come to understand that here is no God like our God? Have you come to the reality that nothing you can do will give you to ultimate control over your life? The God I serve makes me aware of His presence, His power and His might on a daily basis. When I do not see or feel as though I hear from I know that He is there in His ever still presence. His whisper can be as loud as clanging symbols when we tune in. You see even as I go through a season of yet more changes I realize that God and God alone is orchestrating my steps and fighting my battles. My prayers are like Morris Code where only God and I understand. Where people come and go and are at times selfish and self centered God always has my best interest at heart. Where people sometimes work under the premise of what's in it [...]

Who are you listening to?

"One day the evil spirit answered them, Jesus I know, and Paul I know about, but who are you?" Acts 19:15 Acts 19:15 is a reminder to be careful of what and to whom we are listening to. There lots of folk out there sharing and teaching but are they sharing and teaching the word of God? Is what you have been listening to lining up with the word of God? I know we like words and sermons that make us feel good. We like to hear about the many blessings of God. We love to hear how when we die we are going to a better place. We simply love to have our ears tickled. However, if what you hear on Sunday does not carry you through difficult times and challenges than what good is it? You see as Paul wrote when he was in prison some will preach the Gospel out of personal gain. Some will preach to do harm to the body. Theses words still ring true today. What we listen to should be laying and building on the foundation of Christ. Our buildings and the people within our buildings are not to be made idols and [...]

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